15 Odd Ways To Save Money

  1. Delete shopping apps from your phone. If you delete them you wont be tempted to even look. If you look you will eventually see something that you “need” and no you don’t.
  2. Always thrift before buying new. I will go 2-3 times a month sometimes. I start looking for the next seasons clothes for my children at the thrift store a few months before or just before the seasons change. They are going up in price just like everywhere else but I still don’t spend more than $1.99 for a pair of pants for my daughter (currently).
  3. Ask. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask people for hand me downs. MOST of the time those hand me down were going to be donated or put on the curb anyway. If your people are anything like mine they would be delighted that they could help you (and not have to run a bag of clothes to the donation center after it rolled around their car for 4 months)
  4. Stop getting to-go coffee every morning it adds up! (a lg hot latte dunkin is $4.50.) so if you get one every work day morning (5 days a week) that’s $90+. (that would cover my home internet and all of my streaming apps……) That doesn’t mean you cant treat yourself once in a while! Plus it make it that much better when you get it!
  5. Shop for Christmas all year long. Every Walmart I have ever been in has a clearance isle, or two. I go to Walmart once a month for pet supplies. I go down this isle every single time. Most of the time there isn’t anything I want to grab. But sometimes the stars align and something wonderful is there and a deep discount that I know a family member will love. (more on Christmas shopping all year long in another post TBD )
  6. Don’t “warm up” the shower while you are on the porcelain throne scrolling socials doing your business.
  7. Hunt and fish. I know its not for everyone but its how I was raised and the investment in time and equipment is well worth it. Where else are you going to get organic, free range, lean meat essentially for free? (minus the cost of gear, guns, ammo and a license). And if you process your own harvest you will save even more.
  8. Need worms for fishing? go outside at night after it rains with a flashlight and collect them from the ground. send your kids out to collect them, mine have a blast doing it!
  9. Don’t have Pets. (If you’re heartless) They always have unforeseen vet expenses. Then their monthly food, flea/tick meds, toys, beds, more toys and beds because they ate the first set. You end up throwing away everything they pee on because you cant get the smell out. Always dirt and hair on your floor.
  10. Wait for sales/ discounts. This past august 2023 my chest freezer died on the hottest week of the year. Im not sure exactly when it went, but I came home from work on a Wednesday night after my sons football practice, walked in my font door and the smell of rotten food hit me like a Mac truck. We lost our safety net. So I survived on just the tinny freezer space above my fridge. Not being able to stock up on freezer food was a big hindrance. But finally in April 2024  (7 months later) I went to lowes for a new back door and they had overstock standup freezers on sale for $550! Over 50% off. I didn’t have the money that day but I took out a lowes card and got an extra 5% off my total purchase (so the door too). Paid it off in 30 days so I didn’t pay intrest
  11. Drink water. Less sugary drinks- less cavities- less trips to the dentist-less copays. Also more water-more trips to the bathroom- more walking- weight loss. win win
  12. Save your bacon grease. use it in your cooking instead of butter or other cooking oils. It saves money and it adds flavor.
  13. when you boil eggs save the water to water your house plants. it conserves water, saves money not running water again and adds calcium to your plants.
  14. if you’re a woman buy a Menstrual cup. a one time purchase will last you forever. and there is no risk of toxic sock syndrome.
  15. dont wash clothes that are not dirty. only wore a sweater for an hour-hang it back up. jeans not dirty? meet the chair!