DEskunking a Dog

Do you have a friendly dog that wants to play with every being that the universe created and tries to be best friends? I do. her name is Bubbles. shes a 4 year old lab that intentionally makes bad decisions.

every year she gets sprayed by a skunk at least 3 times. I honestly don’t think she cares. Shes not like a normal lab. she hates the water. She like Linus from the Peanuts, she would rather be covered in dirt and smell.

I have tried a few dozen different methods of removing the stink from her over the last few years and the following Is what works for her the best. again it works for her the best but please feel free to try it!

  1. I know everyone says not to get the dog wet after they get sprayed but much like my dog I don’t listen. so once you have wrangled the dog that smells like a pungent sewer rat into the tub wet her down.

2. cover the dog in a box of baking soda. rub it into her coat the best you can

3. Rinse out the baking soda with peroxide

4. lather the dog up with dawn dish soap. let her sit for a minute. give her a stern lecture about trying to make friends with strangers who smell funny. rinse her out with warm water. it will probably take 25 minutes because you used to much soap and it just keeps going. your arms, back, and hamstrings are going to be on fire and your going to be contemplating putting the sewer rat up for adoption


5. Dry the dog off, hope she doesn’t try to play wish a skunk again for another year